To reply to the discussion forum follow the below steps:

  • After login, go the course where you have your discussion forum activity.

  • Click on the forum activity.

  • You will be taken to the forum activity page, where all the forums will be listed.  Select the particular forum you want to reply to.

  • Click on the reply button available at the bottom right corner of the post.

  • After clicking on the reply button, a box will appear in which you can post your reply to a forum. Then click on "Post to forum”.

  • Your reply is now posted 

  • As a user, you can “Permalink” your post, which means it allows you to link directly to a specific forum post so you can share it easily with others. You will see the permalink option when clicking to reply to a post. 

  • You can also edit your forum post even after posting the reply by clicking on "Edit."

  • You can also delete the post by clicking on “Delete”.

Last modified: Wednesday, 1 November 2023, 10:13 AM